tech&fest deeptech awards

Ritz - Paris

1st edition - 9 December 2024

    Tech&Fest, the largest regional tech & innovation festival founded around the triptych Universities/Research/Companies, is a catalyst for innovation, bringing together and revealing the best of the world's tech & innovation throughout the year. That's why we've created a sate
llite event dedicated exclusively to deeptech, with the ambition of bringing together (inter)national deeptech ecosystems to highlight these game changers who are transforming our lives, and rewarding the ambition, innovation and audacity of the best projects during a gala evening. 
FrĂ©dĂ©ric Mazzella 
godfather 2024

Categories 2024


Innovative technologies (product, service or process) that meet new, more responsible and sustainable objectives with a positive impact on individuals, society and the environment (new energies, clean mobility, sustainable construction, ecosystem protection & environmental transition, agriculture & agri-food, etc.).


Innovative solutions to protect data, networks and systems against cyberthreats, guarantee privacy or meet sovereignty requirements.


Revolutionary solutions that bring productivity gains through automation, machine interconnection, robotics and artificial intelligence.


Innovative products and solutions featuring technological advances in data science, software simulation, computer vision and NLP (Natural Language Processing).


Ground-breaking products and solutions that bring disruptive innovation to the industry, including medical devices and software, drug and therapy R&D technologies, healthcare improvement technologies including telemedicine, mobile healthcare applications and management systems.


Supporting partner

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